6 Easy Ways to Plan Your Kitchen Garden



We can create kitchen garden in Backyard of homes, terrace, balcony etc. It is good for produce fresh vegetable and also good for getting fresh air, reduce home temperature etc. Most of the Kitchen Garden contain vegetables. But someone are includes fruits tree and medicinal plants also. Below are easy ways to plan your kitchen garden.

1 Design the Place

To prepare raised bed in the place which consider for the Kitchen Garden. The raised bed help to protect from flooding and sometimes it does not attract much weeds and some pests.

2 Prepare the soil

Chose nutrient top soil for raised bedding. Then add some composts, coco peat, cow dung etc. would help increase nutrients to the soil.

3 Determine the plants

Start research about what kinds of plants grows in your available space, soil and climatic conditions. We can altered and manipulated the soil conditions can be to suit the plants. But climatic condition is out of control so chose local vegetable are the best options.

4 Determine the trees

Have sufficient place for grow trees try to bearing Fruit trees like Mango, Sapota, Sweet lime etc. Also chose coconut trees when you have necessary sunlight in large areas.

5 Prepare for Pest Attacks 

Pest Attacks is the main issue faced in kitchen garden. But so many homemade and organic solutions are available to control pest. Please avoid damaging chemical pesticides it’s not good for Human.

6 Green Shade Covers

This is an option depends on the weather conditions like very hot. Then Usage of green cover shades to grow plants is very effective method. It is also good for protect weeds from pests attacking.

If you like to choose luxury flats in Calicut with balcony garden the good option is Ladder Mankav Greens the best apartments in Calicut.

To know more: wwww.ladderkerala.com

Please Touch With Us: +91 9400470022

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